Would you believe, my son?
All 18 months of him.
Here's what happened...
It's 12:30am, and I'm on the computer trying to write an essay on e-Procurement wondering when I might be off to bed, when directly above me, I hear a "thud", but no noise to follow. So I make my way upstairs and into the bedroom. No noise. I walk over to my side of the bed and reach for the flashlight we use to check on happy boy - which I put on the floor when he came into bed with my wife at 10pm. I reached down and felt... hair. Then a head?!? It was my son. The thud was him falling off the bed onto the floor (and power bar). He was on his hands and knees and out cold - sleeping. I scooped him up and took him to his crib. Now he is snoring up a storm. Poor little guy is back on anti-biotics, still has an ear infection.
Surprisingly, I was able to pick him up and carry him considering the intense pain I feel in my sciatic nerve. I get sharp shooting pains from pretty much my left buttock (glut muscle) all the way down to my toes (which sometimes go numb). I went through a month of serios physiotherapy, and massage but to no avail. Now I continue to stretch a lot, but no avail. So today I got new walking shoes. That might work.
Also I posses a very cranky wife who is 24 week pregnant and already feeling like she did in the 9th month for happy boy. Her back is probably worse than mine and that says a lot. She, like I am very tough and are able to move on considering the pain. I think the only thing that would make her feel better (after a good massage) is if we paid off the mortgage. She hates debt. I love that she hates debt.
Anyways, up to bed, work in 5 hours.
I cannot believe that his thump didn't even wake me up. Poor guy.
Sounds like you're all suffering :( you have my love. Its hard with a little one (Im thankful I have none of my own) whos ill, let alone if you have some problems of your own hampering your activities.
ugghhh, sorry about the nerve dude- been through it never want to relive it.
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