Thursday, October 11, 2007

I am so fucking angry...With the Province of Ontario...

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

This province is full of incredibly stupid people. Stupid people that vote Liberal time and time again because they are afraid of the Conservatives. Afraid??? Bullshit. They do this because they are too lazy to formulate their own opinions and are just plain stupid.

-stops to apologize to any readers who voted Liberal – you are forgiven, after all you come here, so you must be closet conservatives. –

Liberal politicians are above the law. They lie, cheat, and steal, and stupid Ontarians vote them back into power.

Hate Mike Harris all you want, but he said he was going to do what he did, and he was elected on it, and he actually did it. He did NOT raise a red book claiming to get rid off the GST – but did not, he did not make his campaign platform around NOT raising taxes, but them DID raise them. At least the PC’s tell you up fornt if they are going to screw you, and then when they do it, no one is surprised, but the Liberals??? See the sponsorship scandal, and Mike Colle the former Finance minister who gave $1 million dollars to a Cricket or Curling club as a grant when they asked for $150,000. He was fired from his post… and re-elected in my riding. Arrrgghhhh. Stupid fucking voters.

50% participation… That’s the media’s fault for always stating that the election was over – before it begun – and that the Liberals were going to get a majority government. Hey media, how about covering the facts, asking the tough questions and stop pretending to be Nostradamus. The media, in effect, told voters not to vote because it was a Liberal win, so they didn’t. All media should be ashamed of themselves. Maybe the Liberals are giving you guys some tax breaks or some “grant money”. Grrrr.

As for the faith-based funding… Who really cared. All everyone wants in this day and age is equality. Either stop funding catholic schools or fund them all. If Tory had come out and asked for Catholic schools to stop receiving funding he’d be hung from the highest cross, but instead he offered up equality and that backfired too. Don’t we all just want equality? Anyone who thinks that by now funding Jewish, or Islamic or Chinese schools is going to make a bit of difference has to ask themselves if funding Catholic schools over the last 125 years

I'm angry enough to run in the next election and start campaigning NOW.

I'll be fine in 4 years.

I don't want to hear any bitching or moaning from anyone who voted for the Liberals or who didn't get off their asses to vote for the next 4 years. You lost your right to complain. To talk to your fearless (read: useless) leader.


Anonymous said...

Regarding faith based funding...

a LOT of people cared. A lot of people in YOUR community cared.

as for closeted conservative? Ha! I don't think so!

Anonymous said...

People are sheep they just follow the crowd and are afraid to make decisions and of change, that is something I have noticed coming back to this country...After living in the UK and Europe.

Laural Dawn said...

Wow! You should move to my riding as we elected a Conservative!!!
I have to say though - I agree with Naomi - a lot of people cared about faith based funding. I do. The only reason I reconsidered my vote was when he took it off the table.
I truly think that they should get rid of Catholic schools though. If someone ran on that platform they would get further.
I agree about the 50% voting thing - it was because of the media. Shut up and tell people to vote. Don't call it so early. The whole reason they are doing it is so that they can say "City TV/Global/CTV was the first to say Liberals won."
Who cares?

Urban Daddy said...

A lot cared? 50% voted. 4/10 people in our community are Jewish. Does that mean 1/10 voted for it who are not? I think those numbers tell a lot about what people in this area do when they vote. The look for the Liberal candidate and put an "X". Dummies... all of them.

Flower - I agree. Liberals are Baaaaaaaadd.

LD - Smart riding. Dumb media and please don't ever post that you agree with Naomi. LOL. Puts me in a tough position if others agree with her regarding politics. LOL.