Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Face bugs?!? Really?

My son is watching me shave and wants to know what is floating in the sink along with water and shaving cream. I tell him it’s the stubble from by facial hair. No, he tells me, it is bugs and he makes a squishy face. I tell him it really is hair and I begin to describe the process of shaving to him. But alas, he cuts me back off, makes and even squishier face and then proceeds to tell me that in the sink are face bugs. From my face. "Ewww. Daddy has face bugs". And away he walks… Nice!


Polgara said...

That's so cute!

Anonymous said...

So imaginative, our Happy Boy!

Anonymous said...

Wait until you don't shave after a couple of days...My little girl calls them whiskers...

Urban Daddy said...

GP - He kills me sometimes with the things he comes up with.

UM - So funny!

Flower - Have you met anonymous? :)