Thursday, July 10, 2008

A shit-storm is on the way...

... It's coming for me. I don't see it yet, but I feel it.

It's not my fault... Well, maybe a little. I'm a nice guy. We all know what they say about nice guys, eh? I'm caring... Maybe too much about people who do not matter and for some odd reason I actually care what other people (strangers) think about me or those that I love.

Well that is about to end.

For some reason I see a dark brown cloud hovering over my head and it looks like it is about to dump on me, but I'll tell you guys something... I'm getting the biggest fucking umbrella known to man to weather this storm...

Bring it on shit-cloud. Give it all you've got! I'm ready!

Details to follow...


Anonymous said...

how cryptic...

Anonymous said...

May the force be with you my friend.

Sorry the kiddos have decided to watch the ENTIRE Star Wars saga the other day when it rained. I have that and yoda/grover speak in my head.

I could have said: Strong feel the force do you.

11111111 said...

Oh, don't worry--the Leafs won't hire Brian Burke.