Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Because of school constraints on my behalf and UrbanMummy and, well, for fuck sakes, Facebook taking up all my/our time, I have been unable to post updates.

Let's try a big one here:

Mother's Day - cards from the kids, from me and for the Moms. That's my job. gifts for the wife, gifts for Mummy and for the Moms usually my job but this year UM took on the task of arranging the Mother's gifts and they loved the professional picture of our two boys with a jazzed up frame that my artsy-fartsy wife styled up. Told her she could sell those frames for $20-$25. Nice day had by all. UM got from my mom a membership for the Toronto Zoo for the year (parking included)... SWEET.

Victoria Day - Began with a house party at night for us and the kiddies - fun. Saturday we went to the Zoo in the afternoon, showed the Happy Boy the Monkeys, Zebras, Tigers, Giraffes, Cheetahs, etc. He told us in the car as we were leaving the parking lot - unprompted, that, "I had fun at the zoo today, Mommy/Daddy). We had a nice picnic dinner in the park thanks to UM and her yummy pasta salad.
Sunday - cold - we prepared the house for Monday's BBQ (spoiled it for you...) by painting moer of the basement playroom, grocery shopping and driving around.
Monday - Play, cleaning, walking and preparing for the 4 couples and kids that came over for dinner. Yum. Only downside was that our neighbours dog chewed a ball I got for the Happy Boy from the Raptors game. He like it. It's flat now. LOL. I think he'll survive. Bedtime came at 1:30, only to be interrupted by the Happy boy who wanted Mummy (who doesn't at 2am). I got him back to sleep twice, but he made his way into my bed at 5am and we slept until 7. Cutie.

All in all, a great weekend. Had a lot of fun. Want more like that. Need to get right on that...

The Weed is clapping. Tries to say "Poo, poo, poo", said "Mama" once and pulled himself up on the train table. Whew. At 7 months old.

Just had a BK Joe coffee - Turbo of course. Supposed to have 4 times the caffeine of regular coffee - made from syrup so no coffee grinds. So far, no effect. LOL.

Work is undergoing a MASSIVE re-organization in hopes of making more money - the concept unveiled last week looks good but more soft skills are needed to boost the troops morale. I don't think they knew that, but I have to use my almost MBA for something. I gave suggestions to whomever would listen. I put myself out there. If they want to use me as a resource, I'm here, otherwise, it's the organizations loss.

I think I still want to see "We Will Rock You".

UM's birthday is coming up (fast) and I need a great gift suggestions that is going to knock her clothes off, errr, socks off. She said "no" to a party. Damn.

I read the posts of Cheaty Monkey and The Kids are All right (see my fav blogs to read on the side), both ladies are preggo, and both make me laugh when talking about the pregnancy... It wasn't THAT long ago... Was it?


karengreeners said...

oh, we just got a zoo membership too! that's us, looking for the lemurs. all day. not finding them. next time, perhaps.

and thanks for laughing at me ;)

Shroom Monkey said...

you could buy yourself a tear away suit and cute bow tie collar and give her a lap dance she'll always remember... rent one of those cheezy hotel rooms with the porn and the heart shaped bed...

if not, sounds like the perfect gift for me.... take it off baby take it off!!!!!!

Laural Dawn said...

What a great post. Hear you on the re-org. We're in the middle of one here. It's been good for me, but it's hard too.
As for the gift for UM (I love how you talk about her, by the way - it always strikes me how you seem so different in your blogs - she way more serious than you). I just had a birthday. Mike got me a necklace - and then he chose a beautiful charm to go on it - an eternity ring (diamonds in a circle) and then he let Matthew choose something. Matthew chose a charm that to him looks like a railway track.
Honestly, it was the most touching gift. I loved the thought behind it, but I also loved the gift itself.
SO, I guess my suggestion is go with the Happy Boy and let him choose?
And, also, I totally suggest letting her sleep in. (maybe some baby benadryl the night before?)

Blog said...

Just say NO to Facebook! ;) That's my motto, anyway. I just don't get the draw at all! And, I do hear all the time that it's so addictive....

Urban Daddy said...

kgirl - We'll show you where the lemurs are... and atleast if we hang out together I can watch the bee while your hubby pushes you around in the cart.

here kitty - I'll bring that suggestion to her. But I might need somewhere to stay once she throws me out of the house. LOL.

Laural - I hear you on the gift... getting the Happy boy pick it is a great idea and gets me off the hook. She says she wants "nothing"... yeah right! The benedryl works too.

Haley, Haley, Haley... Your hubby is on facebook and I know he feels the same way about blogging. Don't worry... I'm sure you'll have more friends than him, women usually do.