Thursday, August 09, 2007

Hi... It's been a while... How are you?

You're still here. :)


This is a summary of the week that was.

First, my employer cut off all access to blogger. Damn. I used to browse blogs and create draft updates there - during my lunch and breaks, of course. Now I can't. I see less posts coming in the near future, well that and facebook takes up a lot of my addiction time.

Last weekend we took the kids to Centreville - where I have not been for like 20 years. It was fun. The Happy Boy liked the rides that were not noisy (he really dislikes noise so much so that he wont pee in an automatic flush toilet if it flushes too loudly), like the riding cars, and the log ride. We met some friends up there and had a wonderful time. UrbanMummy made us a picnic and we all chowed down. Can't wait to go back.

I think the highlight of that trip was on the way home when the Happy Boy and the Weed fell asleep in their stroller, Happy Boy on the top and Weed on the bottom - it allowed UM and I the opportunity to walk around Queen's Quay and have an ice cream by the waterfront without interruption. It was heavenly. I like my wife. I've seen more of her in the past few weeks than I have in the past few years.

The following day we hiked up the cottage and played around in the heat.
Loads of fun at Grandma and Grandpa's even if the cottage isn't by any means child friendly and I have to be on high alert for breakage inside and the water outside.

During the week an old friend of mine since grade three, actually, with whom I had not spoken in a couple years called me out of no where to tell me that his Mom died. She was a nice British woman who developed a fear of the outdoors once her husband passed away 7 years ago. She, like he, was a pack rat and they kept EVERYTHING. They were renting a 4 bedroom townhouse and every room was packed full to the ceiling with stuff. It was really sad. She always treated me nice even though I rarely knew what she was saying because of that friggin accent. LOL.

The kicker here is that she died June 1st... ah, excuse me?!? I gave him shit. I had left him numerous messages and never heard back. Took the bugger 2 months to let me know. Nice, eh? Quite frankly I was kind of worried to have heard from him because I thought he was looking for a place to live for a "couple months". That means a year in Canadian time.

I am officially in the market for a career change. I'll be starting my last couses for my MBA in September - Corporate Finance and Business Strategies, and once done, will have my Masters and will need a new job for sure. My employer does not recognize MBA's and prefers to manage staff in the "traditional" way - not that I am knocking them - they can do what they would like, but it's no longer the way I want to be doing it. So if anyone knows a headhunter / recruiter in the finance, tax, consulting area, please think of my and let me know.


Until next time, when I update the arrival of UM's cousins from Jersey and the fun times we had at the cottage, at the Ontario Science Centre and their search for all things NOT high in "high-glucose corn syrup".


Anonymous said...

high fructose corn syrup. is evil.

Gabriella said...

doesn't surprise me at all about work shutting off access to blogger, not at all. Now what am I going to do when I return ;)

Laural Dawn said...

I loved this post!!! It's so nice that you guys had ice cream. I always find the secret moments when Matt's asleep or being babysat that we have alone are somehow more special cause we appreciate them more!
As for the job hunt ... we work with different headhunters - it's more an HR thing but I can get you names.
What exactly are you looking for cause we have job openings here every so often - and MBA are certainly appreciated.
Just e-mail me if you want -

Urban Daddy said...

UM - It is the root of all evil... That and chocolate cereal.

Gabriella - Depends on which office you will be working out of... If it's TNTSO, then spend all day having coffee with me and my peeps.

Laural - LOL. I'll email you for sure! Any help is appreciated... I need a job paying $500K per year to cover UM's spending and the position my include Internet so I can blog. LOL.