It's time! Time to re-focus. Time to act, no more just talking! It's time for the 3-F's to take a more prominent role in my life... Focus, Fitness and Family Fun! (Hmmm, that might make it 4 F's... fuck!) I write this post having just gotten out of the shower after the longest (time-wise and I'm sure distance too) run of my life! I ran for 50 minutes and was not once out of breathe, or out of gas. I was just out of time (I wanted to spend time with UrbanMummy before bed) and out of water! I decided last month that I needed a goal in order to drop the 30 pounds of baby weight I gained with Linus (UM is such a great cook too!) so I set my sights on the Toronto Marathon, October 17th. Originally I wanted to attempt the 5K but I can do that now after a month of running, so I am looking at the 10K with an eye on the half marathon (26K). I have a work colleague who offered to run with me in a few 5K's in order to gain experience. It's all so very exciting considering where I came from - former fatty - herniated disk in my lower back... I feel good!
For focus, I realized I need to spend less time during the day on things that are not productive for me like coffee breaks and chatting with colleagues. I need to take care of tasks, to help me develop to where I feel I should be. Besides being trapped in a position where I have never been given a chance to use my MBA skills, I managed to get myself screened into 3 competitions (the government's way of promoting people), one in HR, one as a manager, and one as a senior manager. I still have hopes of getting into one in Finance and Admin. These jobs require skills and I need to focus on developing my competencies because no one else is going to!
I want to have fun with my family and to do that means getting out with UM! I need that. Now. I'll probably wait until after our family trip to NY/NJ at the end of the month, but I think it would help my sanity!
Well off to more stretching and hopefully book and bed!
G'nite all.
Good for you on all of it, but especially the running. Too painful for me.
wow running....that's great...and here I am trying to focus more on coffee breaks and less on work ;)
I'm doing the same thing - trying to get into shape and run again.
A 5k is still really hard for me, but I was debating the same race. Maybe I'll see ya there?
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